Designer Consultant Educator – Transformation for the Pluriverse

MIND 17 – Designing Future Knowledge Systems

TM-konzept-6-timeline_v03While search engines collect and display more and more data, there is not enough aggregation to larger chunks of information. MIND 17 delivers comprehensive views of large data sets rendered in real time and featuring advanced tools for interaction. The focus is on constellations and contexts.

Mind 17
– is an individually configured information dashboard
– sits in your browser and offers alternative views and interaction with
– is a suite of tools that help you to analyze, visualize and interact with
complex sets of data
– provides new insights into concept formation
– is a mind expanding technology

MIND 17 constantly analyzes what you and your co-workers work on. It proactively delivers new content, context and constellations that contribute new aspects. These can range from loosely attached associations to the tracking of hard wired causalities. MIND 17’s engine learns through interacting with you. So the more you use it, the better it gets. There are many ways to knowledge, as there are different kinds of knowledge and different styles of reasoning and thinking creatively. This is why MIND 17 supports cognitive diversity.

MIND 17’s engine integrates
– taxonomies (from experts)
– folksonomies (from amateurs)
– genetic, learning algorithms (artificial intelligence)